Do people have ambitious goals and desires in their career?

The answer is clearly no. Many people don’t know what talent, skills they have.  Circumstances and situations are not fortunate to blend their talent within the commercial reality. 

We all start with the inspirational story of billionaires like Warren Buffett or Bill gates, slowly coming to realize that it is never going to happen. 

Why does a career have an invisible ladder which is not accepted by many people? 

If you consider working in a Government job or Private job or Foreign job, Obviously foreign job will pay better than a government job.

Private jobs are of two types namely national companies and multinational companies. The national companies like tata, tvs, pay less than glaxo or nestle. 

Secondly, the level of hierarchy rise depends on skill degree and performance. If you are a graduate from IIT or IAM you will get paid more.

If you see your skill level, it is divided into 

  1. Basic
  2. Advanced
  3. professional level 

It is not about the experience you have performed in the number of years. 

Business is divided into 

  • Consultant
  • Part time
  • Full time. 

Full time business has survival mode, growth mode and thriving mode 

Survival mode is 3 to 5 years. It is a phase like seed to seedling where you try hard to live and just be alive in business and get customers, Orders. Many times, it is a single man army or one or two people, where the turnover would be between ₹10000 to lakh. 

Then, there is a growth mode, where you can be congruent with referral, past experience etc. To go beyond this you will need to break the Middle class mindset and get into an entrepreneur mind set. 

Thriving mode is where business has its own momentum and speed. It will be like a walk or Fly, able to survive momentum and little effort. 

Please be very clear whether you want to do work or you want to do business. Only if you are going to select a business, then you can think in terms of lakhs and crores. Working for someone will never allow you to become very rich. You can have power but not money. 

Secondly, think about how many people will benefit directly and indirectly. 

Think in terms of how your product will improve the quality of life and quality of industry. How can you benefit a large number of people and how to make a product better than the competitors? 

Many people think that they want to start business because 

  • They hate boss
  • They hate the company
  • They want to be better than competitors. 

These personal decisions in business or work can be easily guided with astrology through Saturn. The tenth Lord is in 6 or 8 or 12 from Saturn, then one should go to work. 

The rule looks simple, easy to understand. Many people have desire and ambition but no energy. The life horoscope is the energy of your aura and chakras. If Saturn is strong, basic chakra is strong. 

You will realize a good astrologer can help you with a lot of career decisions easily. I told someone to do rituals and their career will be like T 20 – fast and swift. 

The remedies help with growth. I have seen when people do Shatru samhara pooja, they become very successful. 

Ambition is good, one needs guidance to harmonize career patterns.

To Get ambition and career pattern guidances, Contact K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247

Using Enemies In Office Politics

If enemies disturb your sleep, make you gobble fast food or feel disheartened then forgive  them but don’t let them win over you. 
Enemies are very useful in defining your  or your ability or your knowledge and technique. Let me ask you if you have enemies or competition and  If your answer is no then you are not growing in your career. The best corporate person will have an enemy breathing down in the neck Like Dinosaur.
 Marico was about to be swallowed by Hindustan lever. Marico fought back and became big. 
Enemies help To grow taller, stronger and  faster. 
In fact I would suggest love your enemy , thank them. Even bless them but pray they should get defeated. Forgive them and fuck them. 
Everyone claps for success if they are not involved.  Suppose if you run the Olympics with usain bolt will you clap that usain bolt should win. The answer is no. Same way when competition is personal then one likes to win. 
If the enemy is lower to you in capacity and ability and if they are not damaging your career then you can forgive them

If the enemy is in a higher position than you then battle and you need to perform the best. They will damage your career. Greatness will have enemies, adversaries and mass hatred. People will call you an arrogant, snobbish person if you are successful and not humble. 

 If you want to be great and successful  you need to use an enemy or adversary as your point of growth. Think of  usain bolt, michael phelps, pv sindhu and  Narendra modi all will have enemies 

Choose your enemy carefully, they need not choose you as their enemy. Have a competitive mentality.  You will grow faster and happier 
Forgiveness is for pussy cat not for Lions. Go for the jugular. Greatness has a price: one uses the enemy calmly to raise standards. Machiavelli in the Prince says that compete and cooperate are two sides of a country.  Keep the scoreboard moving and reach your target. Concentrate on Processes you will Perform Better. Be bold, take risks and go  for a higher bar.

Enemy appearing means God is telling you to grow up faster. One need not talk rubbish, spit anger inside. hold  the energy in your core you will concentrate better. Try to use the energy generated by anger, let it be fire which motivates you. 

May the fear of losing be a guiding light. Remember that losses and victory are never permanent. so  move on.


Being grateful – just be grateful for everything God has given you. You will have peace descend instantly.

Being thankful to parents and thinking of all the good they have done. You will feel extremely peaceful.

Focusing on what you have and being grateful for it is there. This will bring your mind in positive focus.

Treating another person who is upset with you as a sick child  with a deluded mind and praying for their tormented soul. This will bring peace.

Thinking of negative deeds you have done and telling God to forgive you will bring in peace.

Praying for the world, your friends or any one who has a difficult time.

Treating one who finds fault with you as a guru, thanking him, one will feel peaceful.

Speaking with kindness in the face of telling someone the truth.

Appreciating someone’s good deed .

Holding back a spiteful word and asking for God’s help.

Developing  discipline.

Thinking of death and impermanence of the world.

Treating reality as a living dream.

To Get your mind into peace, Call and take consultation to K.B.Gopalakrishnan 9840572247

Balance in Life

Balance in life is the secret of living happily. Eat too much, you will have difficulty and if you eat less also you have problems. Talking too much will have problems and if you do not talk also you will have problems. Every situation, if aligned with the personal nature, then it will bring happiness. If every situation is aligned against the personal nature, then one will have pain.

For example, if a talkative man gets a watchman job where he is not supposed to talk, then he will go mad. Someone who talks less is put as a public speaker he will find it difficult to express himself. So all personality problems arise due to imbalance.

Whenever you have a problem with someone just see what you have to balance or what you have to give up or get on. For example many find it difficult to let go and instead they cling. Some people find it easy to let go and being with someone is difficult.

If someone has divorce, then one has to find what habits, attitudes and speech they have to change. Then it will be easy for them not to have problems.

All criticism is about being in excess. That is why there is a saying “even amrita becomes poison if it is in excess.

Too much work makes a Jack dull boy.

Too much playing makes Jack boring.

Boredom happens when activity has gone beyond the level. This is the secret of enjoying life and keeping it in balance.

For Consultation, Contact K.B.Gopalakrishnan — 9840572247

Visit :

Successful Family – What do they have with them?

Very successful families will have a pattern. This will look very strange because it looks like a formula and people will argue that each family is unique. That is true in one sense. In another dimension personal insight reveals that each successful family has patterns, which help them to foster positive problem solving ability. I should ask Aswath”s mother (he is a chess champion) and Vijay’s mother (one of her sons is a successful singer) to help me understand these patterns. They had unique ways of dealing with problems of parenting.

Anyway, let us see patterns one after the other.

  • Prayer is a part of their life– Vijay’s mother once told me that “ they are not my children. They are God’s children. I pray because I have my own limitations, problems and difficulties. This can be solved only with divine help and intervention. Whenever I have had problems with my children, I have received help because I pray”. Disturbed families do not have regular worship and prayers. Most of the time, they try to rely on their will rather than on divine help. This is not any kind of orthodox, jingoist philosophy I am writing about. I have heard many times Aswath’s mother saying that she prayed and took her son out. Many of these families follow rituals and traditions easily.  However much they earn or succeed they still believe that God’s mercy and love gives all these.

  • Financial stability – this is a very important aspect. Men earn and there is a steady flow of income. Small or big the income is steady. This is an important factor in bringing up the children

  • They respect elders- mother- in- law is not seen as an enemy. The number of fights is very less. For example, a chess champion mother gets along very well with her father- in- law and mother- in- law. She says I never raise my voice in front of them. They will also not question me if I get up late or fail to cook some times at the correct hour. They are very Adjustive and cooperative by nature. For example Vijay’s mother still keeps her mother- in- law with her. They have tremendous love and affection for the elders in the family. Even though their behavior sometimes is difficult they are never scorned, ill treated and abused. This is one of the reasons that they have harmony. Mutual respect exists in the relationship. I hear someone saying what about if we do not have in- laws. Mutual respect for husband and wife exists. If you see, the partner’s focus is on bringing up children and not interested in picking up fights.

  • They have good friends- their friendships are positive, healthy and useful. It is like a peer-to-peer network.  Women who have affairs with other men variably have problematic children. If men have habits like drinking in the house invariably create difficulties in the house. Broken hearts and family arise from negative habits. In that sense, they have excellent friends who will be helpful and it is like win- Win situations. It is like successful athletes have excellent support from their friends. In the same way these people have friends who are positive and helpful.

  • During transitions  like marriage, child birth etc they have excellent guidance. I have seen very successful families take astrologer’s help and be guided by them. They do not scorn it as superstitions etc. they use a tool for personal effectiveness and success. Many so-called intelligentsia invariably get into long term problems because they are not guided properly. For example, the great Sachin Tendulkar went to Kukke Subramanya temple and prayed. His astrology guru or guide was there. Why? Very simple reason. He needed help in the major transition for his health problems, which he was repeatedly facing. He was willing to listen and take guidance. If Sachin himself needed help, what about normal people like many of us.

  • Good qualities like humbleness and thankfulness- many of them have noble characters. They are thankful if they are helped. I know a lady who brought son after he won a major tournament and thanked me in person. Parent’s characters get translated into their children. Successful people have satvik gunas. Many of them are kind to the guru and very helpful to others at times of need. They don’t waste time in manipulation and deceit.

Problems lead to solutions – their ability to get along in a group, problem solving skills and conflict resolutions are excellent. In the disturbed family it is poor, and differences lead to fight, misunderstanding and repeated problems. . Parents tend to be too negative, critical and autocratic. This will bring in rebelliousness, arrogance and negativity in children. I have seen many of the families only lecture to children, they do not talk. Communication skills are abysmal. For example, children love to listen to stories, they love to express their ideas. Talk to children. Listen to them, they are the precious gift of life . You will find many times there is no problem. All children want is attention.   

May the person who reads this blog be blessed with a successful family and lead a happy life

Astrologer K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247

Visit :


Many people get married and hope that they will live peacefully. The same abusive pattern of our parents stubbornly gets stuck on to us and hardly leaves us. We create misery not only for ourselves but also for others.  There is fighting, use of abusive language, misunderstanding, pain and misery. We justify the position and finger point at the other person.

How to overcome this vicious cycle is a big question within everyone. We can neither live in love nor out of love. Whom we love the most will hurt the most.

Following techniques will produce results faster than many efforts and words to come out of the vicious cycle.

  • First of all, if there is a problem, do not try to fight, prove a point and force your will to make the other person understand what you are trying to say.
  • Do not say long dialogues without allowing the other person to speak.
  • Withdraw from the scene of the problem and confrontation.
  • Apart from that, the more you try to work from the verbal and action level less will be the understanding and willingness of the other person to change.
  • Chant om shanthi shanthi shanthi om 1008 times.
  • Bless the person, situation and family for receptivity, openness and conductivity.
  • Do this every day and light lamp for Dakshinamoorthy

Many times, I have seen people changing very easily and nicely. Normally this change happens within ten days if what we say has truth in it.

Many times, we will get the right word, technique, understanding and change of perception to deal with these problems.

May I dedicate this punya arising to my family, lineage of my father and mother side to be peaceful, happy and listening to good guidance.

To gain peace there are many tips for whom the above is not possible. Call and Talk to K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247


There was a man who did not like Swami Raghavendra. He used to talk ill of him. One day guru Ragavendra invited that man for dinner. The man did not want to eat and therefore he gave an excuse through someone that he was sick and having a stomach problem. The great guru Ragavendra said so be it. That is all. That man had stomach problem for several years. I know a person x who used to take guidance from master y. That person x was very manipulative in nature. He will always complain and never tell about the success or growth or material gains he had got due to master y’s guidance. In fact if he had problem with his wife or want to get out of some situation he will use matser y’s name. X wife and her parents were very upset with master x without knowing there was some manipulation. One day for some strange reason master y went to x house and said to his wife “sorry. Maybe I must have hurt you”. Within few months, x’s life crashed. His job went for a toss and police were chasing him. His wife left him for another man. The reason is that the karmic buffer ran out.

I have seen whenever a person takes guidance from a live guru following will happen.

Tight situations will ease up.

There will be some easy flow of cash.

Circumstances and the environment will become favorable.

Contacts and links will fire up.

What will look like an impossible situation will become favorable.

People will become positive.

If the other person is grateful, thankful and truthful then there will be an evolution of energy.

Of course in some cases the mind will become perverted and manipulative. They will start to crash. What will look like a heady start or dream will end. Again one by one problems will arise. Situation will become unfavorable, the problems will crop up and links will become negative. No amount of pushing will make the event happen or situation to ease up.

I know one person who used to take guidance from me. He thought it was just a technique. He applied it and found some results. Slowly since he did not acknowledge and there was no personal energy, he became unfocused, lost interest in remedial measures and even refused to discuss with me. It is like Karna’s curse. In Mahabharata, Karna will try to manipulate his teacher. His teacher will curse that at the crucial moment of life what he had learnt may not be useful. In the same way spiritually when people try to manipulate their gurus or the people who guide them, they will get misguided. It is easy to get diamonds in Africa. But it is far more difficult to get a real live guru. Without realizing the valuableness, if one starts pretending or manipulative that one shall cursed by his own deed sooner or later

Let me end with the story of a man who worked in the Middle East. He was very nice till he was in India. When a lot of money started coming in, he became stingy, non-giving and even refused to pay my consultation charges with one pretext or the other. Slowly he did not have jobs. Secondly, when he got a job it was lower than the promised amount. When I told him that he has to give money to the people who made him happy, his mind was so perverted that he thought I was asking for money. Anyway, it is a long cycle before he realizes the value of giving and how giving will help anyone to grow bigger and stronger in any aspect of life.



There is a huge problem in present careers. Youngsters wanted to grow quickly, see places and make a big way. Combined with wit, these many people wanted to have fun, party and  extracurricular activity.  This calls for a tall order. Few are lucky to have everything.

Generally, a career has phases.

They are the seed phase, the seedling, the flowering and the fruit phase.

Seed phase – you work very hard, get qualified and get paid less. This is actually the establishing phase in a career. The returns are slow. It is the foundation phase of the career. Basically within 30 years.

Seedling phase– the building stage of the career. This is the phase where one builds experience, contacts and returns are little higher. Some people get bored in this phase. Some people start going into middle management. The lucky one moves into the higher managerial level. Age of 30 – 40 . some kind of achievement will be done.

The flowering phase- basically the age of 45- 55. many people move into the top management and where the work will be less and returns are more. Life is well settled. you will have a name in the game. Transitions  are over. If you have not reached some level then it would be very difficult to progress. This is the fastest period of growth. Money wise is probably the best phase of a career. Many people’s hard work can be used by us for your advantage.

The fruit phase- you leave a mark. Get noticed in the media. Became a legend or personality with many achievements. No one can shake you much. 55- 65  is the age. These days if you are talented you can reach this stage at an earlier age itself. 


Chakras and imbalances

Law of moderation applies for everything. Even a chakras requires moderation and is very important.

Heart chakra – if the chakra is too closed, one becomes insensitive, cold, does not care for life and I, me, myself attitude. When the chakra is too open then one weeps a lot, emotionally over sensitive and cannot draw boundaries with others. When the chakra is balanced, one will feel love with objectivity, Kindness without losing self, In balance and limitation love will happen.

Forehead chakra – too much activation will lead a person to be very theoretical, bookish, unable to use intuition, try to use too many words, cannot visualize, and requires logical explanation. They can change very fast but they cannot make money. Small forehead chakra can be seen in people who are uneducated. They cannot understand concepts, ideas and require seeing a demo without which they can not understand. They can be too rigid, and cannot change ideas and concepts. When the forehead chakra is balanced, one will analyze, reflect, and have holistic thinking and intuitive response.

Solar plexus – over activated solar plexus chakra makes a person to be a fighter and warrior. These people cannot be peaceful. They always require some kind of problem, difficulties or challenges. They cannot enjoy ordinary and peaceful situations. People with over activated solar plexus will have a huge appetite. When it is under activated they will be weak willed, cannot have their own personality, yes man, can compromise values, group oriented and no individuality. When the solar plexus is balanced, one will be very strong, in will but flexible if need be, can work with groups or with individuals, will be strong in theory and implementation.

Throat chakra – over activation people will love to talk, meaningless talk addicted to eating and discussing other people’s faults without solving. They will be over sexual. Under activated cannot talk and communicate much, introverts, low drive, will be difficult to express concepts ideas in a spontaneous manner. When balanced one can talk very easily, communicate effectively, can paint pictures in words, can explain concept to common man, can convince crowds and will be successful in poetry or any kind of arts.

Navel charka – highly activated navel chakra will make people to over eat, over sexual and also can have lot of fear. Urinary problems. When under activated they will have problems in procreation and will eat less. When balanced one becomes very psychic, intuitive, productive and can make successful projects.

Basic chakra if ungrounded or over activated, people can be flirty, flighty, unstable, greedy, exploitative with people and low income. Under activation of basic chakra – poor, can’t change fast and will be very rigid. Balanced can make money very easily and will be materially comfortable and balanced.

Get your Chakras balanced. Call for more information K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247


Many people make money. Only some people make money which will be useful and helpful to society. One woman told me “in my younger days my parents used to save money, they used to say that it will be useful for the future. Actually they bought land, which we lost money in the end. We never enjoyed money because we were supposed to save”.

I know a man who eats old food and will give minimum money to his wife because of his obsession for savings. He has given 100 sovereigns of gold to his daughter besides the vast amount of land he possessed. What is the use? He can not enjoy his life or his wealth. He makes money dead.

There are two kinds of money: live money and dead money. When you make money, are enjoying the money, do make life better, make people’s life happy, you fulfil the wishes of others, can take a holiday without thinking of the future then that money is the live money.

If it is a dead money, then people do not enjoy money, they think of tomorrow which never comes, they save in the hope of tomorrow which mostly never comes, their earnings are spent on medicine, hospitals and someone will steal it from them.

I know one homeopathy doctor who made a lot of money and was well known for her stinginess. One day, a bunch of robbers came to her house, tied her and took away nearly to the tune of seven lakhs.

I know a man who used to squeeze his family and he never had increments. Every job he went to was lower than his previous one. The reason is that he employs the squeeze cycle with his family members. Contentment and frugality can be accepted. But then people torture others. See this famous dialogue; one lady wanted a slipper of some good quality. Her husband asked her why she wanted to waste money and why not wear a cheaper one. He added “any way you are old and what is the use of you being attractive”.

Women are the last priority in the house. They will have to give everything to men. One woman told me, “When we want something, people will obstruct and create problems for us”. Many people make money dead, useless and will spend on negative causes like death, medicine etc.

My teacher Deshika Kirtie never saved money. He used to spend money and when someone asked for money, he was generous. I asked him one day about insurance and he said “God is my insurance and my sadhana are my investments”.

People can not enjoy money. They will wait for a golden tomorrow which will never come. In the name of savings and investments they treat people shabbily and expect everyone to sacrifice for them.

I hope we woke up to this reality.



One of the biggest advantages of the modern era is the mental development of mass consciousness. Secondly, we have various ways of communication like internet, TV, radio, paper etc which shows one level of development.

What are the problems of excessive mental criticism– lack of sleep, restlessness, unable to enjoy what one has a sense of depression, unable to follow one’s own words and mental confusion etc.

There should be balance in criticism. Many people lose their balance which makes the relationship complicated, cumbersome and non resolvable in many cases.

Differences in what was done and what could be done– media bashing is based on the principle. However much a politician or a bureaucrat performs it is never enough. There is no sense of gratefulness, happiness and satisfaction. The same gets translated in the personal relationship and in the parental relationship. I think many parents do the best they can. Many times the so-called psychologist asks people to find out what could be done instead of what was done.

It is human to make mistakes. Everyone has a weak point in their ability and limitations. If this is understood then the criticism can be toned down to a large extent. For example, some people expect all my predictions in mundane astrology to come true which is totally impossible. I am bound to make mistakes, have failures which are part of being human. Your parents, teachers, lovers etc will have the same problem. They are human which makes life dependant on God. Only God is Omni perfect and always perfect.

In the timeline some people have an advantage. I was trained in public speaking and in writing by working with newspapers. If I expect my friends and clients to have such a level of communication it is unfair. I had an early start and my circumstances and situations were very favourable. In the same way in many relationships parents did not have circumstances and situations like what we have right now. Access to information, exposure to analytical skill, education etc. can make a huge difference in performance. Therefore, expecting the same level of intelligence from people who did not have exposure, background and training will create only problems.

Aspects and levels– when you look from Manmohan Singh’s level then reality and influence will be very different. Suppose if you were to look from my level then financial reality would be different. If you look at finance from the spending and receiving aspect we would have different views. Human minds cannot do mode shift, level shift, aspects shift and dimensional shift like a great meditator. This is what padma sambhava says makes the human mind pliable using meditation. Such an inflexible narrow band of reality creates very powerful conflict.

It takes more time to do something than to talk. Many armchair generals of astrology have never made real predictions. Ask them to do mundane astrology predictions and they will not open their mouths. Same case where doers are never talkers. Talkers are never doers. My teacher used to say “what you know about movies? Never say a movie is bad. Just say I was not entertained. My perception was not interesting enough. That is all”. There are people who have made a huge effort to make a movie. They do not make bad movies but movies which did not fulfil expectations. If one wants to learn then you can learn from any movie.

It takes real effort to understand another person even though they are close to you. Understanding requires reflection, clarity of intellect, contemplation, forgiveness and compassion. It takes even months some time to understand a person.

Lowering expectations would be a better idea than expecting perfection from people. Look at your parents, spouse and children. They are dependent on you. Why make a big fuss of their small mistakes which are unintentional. Shouting, howling and blaming will snuff the love out of people’s lives.

God is love, said the great Christ. When God were to expect us to be like his greatness even genius cannot surpass him. He is the ultimate intelligence. If he is the embodiment of love then sweeten the words the world will be a better place to live.

Truth and love coexist in the presence of a great teacher. To expect from a common man is a little difficult. Truth has many facets, so is love. It requires years of meditation to combine both these aspects of life.

Lord, God,

May the human beings communication be blessed with divine love, divine light and divine mercy

May the words used by human beings be sweeter with love in time.

May I also be forgiven for misusing words and hurting people with criticism .

May I dedicate this merit to my lineage and to the spiritual lineage of this world to be filled with words of concern love and understanding love.

May everyone’s word brings in peace

Want to improve your thinking positive, feel the peace and understand love, sometimes when it is difficult take a consultation with K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247