Chakras and imbalances

Law of moderation applies for everything. Even a chakras requires moderation and is very important.

Heart chakra – if the chakra is too closed, one becomes insensitive, cold, does not care for life and I, me, myself attitude. When the chakra is too open then one weeps a lot, emotionally over sensitive and cannot draw boundaries with others. When the chakra is balanced, one will feel love with objectivity, Kindness without losing self, In balance and limitation love will happen.

Forehead chakra – too much activation will lead a person to be very theoretical, bookish, unable to use intuition, try to use too many words, cannot visualize, and requires logical explanation. They can change very fast but they cannot make money. Small forehead chakra can be seen in people who are uneducated. They cannot understand concepts, ideas and require seeing a demo without which they can not understand. They can be too rigid, and cannot change ideas and concepts. When the forehead chakra is balanced, one will analyze, reflect, and have holistic thinking and intuitive response.

Solar plexus – over activated solar plexus chakra makes a person to be a fighter and warrior. These people cannot be peaceful. They always require some kind of problem, difficulties or challenges. They cannot enjoy ordinary and peaceful situations. People with over activated solar plexus will have a huge appetite. When it is under activated they will be weak willed, cannot have their own personality, yes man, can compromise values, group oriented and no individuality. When the solar plexus is balanced, one will be very strong, in will but flexible if need be, can work with groups or with individuals, will be strong in theory and implementation.

Throat chakra – over activation people will love to talk, meaningless talk addicted to eating and discussing other people’s faults without solving. They will be over sexual. Under activated cannot talk and communicate much, introverts, low drive, will be difficult to express concepts ideas in a spontaneous manner. When balanced one can talk very easily, communicate effectively, can paint pictures in words, can explain concept to common man, can convince crowds and will be successful in poetry or any kind of arts.

Navel charka – highly activated navel chakra will make people to over eat, over sexual and also can have lot of fear. Urinary problems. When under activated they will have problems in procreation and will eat less. When balanced one becomes very psychic, intuitive, productive and can make successful projects.

Basic chakra if ungrounded or over activated, people can be flirty, flighty, unstable, greedy, exploitative with people and low income. Under activation of basic chakra – poor, can’t change fast and will be very rigid. Balanced can make money very easily and will be materially comfortable and balanced.

Get your Chakras balanced. Call for more information K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247