Being grateful – just be grateful for everything God has given you. You will have peace descend instantly.

Being thankful to parents and thinking of all the good they have done. You will feel extremely peaceful.

Focusing on what you have and being grateful for it is there. This will bring your mind in positive focus.

Treating another person who is upset with you as a sick child  with a deluded mind and praying for their tormented soul. This will bring peace.

Thinking of negative deeds you have done and telling God to forgive you will bring in peace.

Praying for the world, your friends or any one who has a difficult time.

Treating one who finds fault with you as a guru, thanking him, one will feel peaceful.

Speaking with kindness in the face of telling someone the truth.

Appreciating someone’s good deed .

Holding back a spiteful word and asking for God’s help.

Developing  discipline.

Thinking of death and impermanence of the world.

Treating reality as a living dream.

To Get your mind into peace, Call and take consultation to K.B.Gopalakrishnan 9840572247


Many people get married and hope that they will live peacefully. The same abusive pattern of our parents stubbornly gets stuck on to us and hardly leaves us. We create misery not only for ourselves but also for others.  There is fighting, use of abusive language, misunderstanding, pain and misery. We justify the position and finger point at the other person.

How to overcome this vicious cycle is a big question within everyone. We can neither live in love nor out of love. Whom we love the most will hurt the most.

Following techniques will produce results faster than many efforts and words to come out of the vicious cycle.

  • First of all, if there is a problem, do not try to fight, prove a point and force your will to make the other person understand what you are trying to say.
  • Do not say long dialogues without allowing the other person to speak.
  • Withdraw from the scene of the problem and confrontation.
  • Apart from that, the more you try to work from the verbal and action level less will be the understanding and willingness of the other person to change.
  • Chant om shanthi shanthi shanthi om 1008 times.
  • Bless the person, situation and family for receptivity, openness and conductivity.
  • Do this every day and light lamp for Dakshinamoorthy

Many times, I have seen people changing very easily and nicely. Normally this change happens within ten days if what we say has truth in it.

Many times, we will get the right word, technique, understanding and change of perception to deal with these problems.

May I dedicate this punya arising to my family, lineage of my father and mother side to be peaceful, happy and listening to good guidance.

To gain peace there are many tips for whom the above is not possible. Call and Talk to K.B.Gopalakrishnan – 9840572247